Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Solid Wood Floors

The elegance of a hardwood floor adds character to any room in a home or work place. The natural characteristics of wood adds a dimension to the room that many try to duplicate but because each floor is of natures own making it is unique and as such never replicated. Solid wood floors are as the description suggests a piece of flooring cut from a single piece of wood and usually has a tongue and groove on all four sides of the board they will be either unfinished allowing you to apply your own finish or pre-finished with a lacquer or oil. Solid wood floors can either be fully glued to the floor or nailed down with a porta-nailer which drives a nail through the groove at an angle into a wooden sub floor or batten. Solid wood floors can be sanded and resealed numerous times over the years, so you can keep the appearance of your floor looking immaculate. Solid wood floors can last up to a hundred years or more

1 comment:

  1. This post is very informative, especially for those who are looking for tips and advices on wooden flooring.

    wood floors nyc
